
Measure of Central tendency 
Find the average 

Mean :
Issue with outliers 

Order and take middle value, robust , resistance to outlier 

Assume most occurred values as means

Measure of dispersion 

                                      Spread of your data around central area

Coefficient variation :

Standard deviation as percentage of mean,
like if mean is 10, then how much percentage of mean, the current value is , this cancel out any units from SD and gives , percentage like value 


ex :
Wind turbulance, is measure of variability in wind.( 10% turbulence of avg wind speed of 30 kmp)
Its like SD but represented in %

Z state :

How do I know, 6 feet tall is good height from the group of basketball player/
Measure from Mean ? or measure from standard deviation of group, which can be acceptable 

Z = Tells how many standard deviation far this X/6 feet is ?
Z =1 , means 1 SD above the average
Z = -2, means 2 SD below the average 



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